Club Policies for The Windsor Marksmen’s Association
- The age for membership in the club will be 21 years of age. (3/20/92)
- It will be mandatory for all members to attend three (3) meetings per year. Attendance will be taken and after a year the ones who have not showed up, their application will be subject to review by the Board of Directors and possible action taken. (2/28/79)
- Each member will be required to perform at least two (2) workdays for the club. This can be done at either the annual range cleanup or working at the Windsor Shad Derby.
- Before a member is allowed to obtain a club M1 for their use, the member shall be familiarized with the proper use and care of the M1. The back side of the membership card will be noted that the member has been checked out in the use of the M1. (7/09/80)
- New members joining the club will be checked out in the safe handling of firearms before they are permitted to use the club range. The checking out process will be performed by the Chief Instructor or a qualified instructor delegated by the Chief Instructor. (5/06/83)
- Effective December 1984, each member will be required to earn fifty (50) work hour credits per calendar year. These credits will be used to determine the membership dues that are due the following year. Annual dues are currently $60.00 with an additional assessment of $30.00 applied to those individuals who have not earned the required 50 credits per year. Thus, for these individuals, the dues will be $90.00 for that year. The member must achieve 50 points the next year or you will continue to be assessed the $30 fee in addition to the $60 annual dues or risk termination from the club. (2/10/16).Renewal dues and any assessments for that year are required to be paid prior to the deadline date of the 3rd Friday in February of that year.Any membership renewal submitted after the 3rd Friday in February either in person or by postmark will be considered late. After that date an additional $25 late fee would be assessed and their membership would terminate. At that time the person would have to reapply for membership and their reapplication would be held in the order that it was received and would be contacted by the club when a new opening becomes available. (1/29/16).
Applications for new membership can be obtained by attending the Windsor Marksmen’s Association membership meetings on the first Wednesday of each month – except July and September – at the St. Casimir’s Lithuanian Club in Poquonock.
All new applicants must be sponsored by a current club member of good standing for the past two years, have a current NRA membership and hold a valid Connecticut pistol or long gun permit.
Methods for earning the 50 credits are as follows:
- Club meetings 5 Credits per activity
- Board of Directors Meetings 5 credits per meeting
- Matches 5 credits per match
- Work Detail 5 credits per hour
- Range Cleanup 10 credits per hour
- Shad Derby Day 5 credits per hour
- Committee Meeting 5 credits per hour
- Chairperson of any activity 5 credits per activity
- Chairpersons of any scheduled match 25 points plus 5 points for match participation (3/20/2009)
- Any member may take up to two (2) guests, other than immediate family members, to the range without prior permission from the Board of Directors. (6/16/21) One guest at a time on the line shooting, supervised by the member that brought the guest. (3/20/92)
- Absolutely NO ground level targets are to be shot at. This is for safety purposes and will help eliminate ricochets. (3/20/92)
- Hearing protection WILL be worn by all individuals under age 21 while on range premises and firing line is HOT. It is highly recommended that ALL individuals wear the proper hearing protection when firing line is HOT. All participants on the active firing line WILL wear the appropriate eye protection (6/16/2006).
Revision Date 05/11/2003, 6/16/2006, 3/20/2009, 2/11/2016, 8/11/2021